My intention As a Yoga Teacher

When I began to embark on my spiritual journey intention was something that I began hearing so often. In my trainings, in the books, I was reading, and in the daily content, I was consuming. Once I began my first yoga teacher training that was my first push to really discover my why for teaching yoga. The only problem was…I didn’t know what it was. I wanted my why to feel authentic to me, and for now, I feel like I have found it. I say for now because I feel like your intention or your “why” can be ever-changing. As a yoga teacher, and a human being I am ever-changing ever-growing and ever-learning. As is my yoga practice, my thoughts, my beliefs, etc so it only makes sense that my intention for teaching would change too. Maybe one-day teaching yoga won’t align with me, but right now it does, and I want to revel in that.

In order to discover my intention I knew I wanted to start living a more intentional lifestyle. This began in all aspects of my life. I started where I felt most familiar, on my mat. I focused on the movements I was creating in the body and instead of focusing on the look, I focused on the feel. I became intentional with what I consumed In all aspects. I started consuming foods that were more whole, and nutrient dense. I consumed more inspirational, and self-healing content and media. I began giving back to my body through different holistic practices such as cupping therapy, and reiki sessions. It was through living more intentionally that I started to discover my why.

My goal is to create unique, and creative sequences that allow you to build strength, flexibility, and mobility while allowing you to connect deeper to your body and breath. My belief is that there isn’t one way to teach yoga. Everybody is different and all poses will look different in every body type. It’s my intention as a yoga teacher to hold space for you to grow on your mat through each and every practice you take with me. Yoga is an extremely personal and transformative practice that can be so healing and life-changing. If I can share that with just one person, then I believe I have done what I am here to do. This practice has changed me physically, mentally, and emotionally, and it is my hope to share a sliver of that with you.

If you feel like you don’t know you're why for practicing yoga that’s okay, you don’t have to. With time, you might come to find out what it is about yoga that keeps you coming back.

If you have never stepped on a yoga mat, I’ve been there. I was quite the skeptic and didn’t love it for the first few several practices. Trying something new was something I wanted to do, and if you are there now know that there is no perfect time to start something that you want to do. Take the leap now, time is passing anyway.

Be consistent, and keep practicing. Your time is now, and there is no one like you.


